Basics of Your Online Business

It’s really been strange over the years listening to people wanting to earn online but yet they are looking for the BIG RED EASY BUTTON and that does now exist.  Having run an offline business for more than 25 years and online business for more than 10 years – I want to explain what I feel is the Basics of Your Online Business.

It’s sad listening to people complain about not making any money but yet when you ask them some questions and find out that they are not really treating what they are doing like a business.  So I’m going to run through some of the basics that I think anyone reading this and wanting  to earn online needs to hear.

Think about it – in the offline world if you wanted to earn money and have your own business – what would you do first – you would need a NAME, building, budget for the utilities, budget for advertising, inventory, customers, etc. – you get the idea

Now keep this in mind with your online business and the NAME – that is your domain name of your business.  How do YOU want people to find YOU  you could buy the domain of and become a blogger.  If you want to invest in a script and have a traffic exchange, mailer, safelist, etc. then you need to still get your domain name.

You bought domain and now what – well you need to get your site out on the internet and this is no different than paying for a building for your offline business – see I relate the online this way – you need HOSTING – your online building

Now that you have your building you have to have a budget for the utilities and in my “zaney” mind – to me that was the autoresponder, tracker, etc.  As you are growing your business you need a way to talk to your members (customers) and you need to a way to track what is working for you – otherwise you are just throwing money out the door.

Talking about budget for advertising, I don’t know if you have ever dealt with offline advertisers but ads are prime real estate with the prices they charge,  This is where graphics come in for your site and where you are going to advertise.

AND if you think that having your own business is rolling in money – think again and thus the reason for this article.  If you are serious about having your own business, then you need to have money to invest in YOUR business.

Without these things you are going to be one of the people wondering WHY I’m not earning.  Remember this is just my way of looking at things but if you want to earn online these are things that you need to think about.

ONE more thing as I’m see that I’m getting long winded – you have your business open for business – don’t just open the doors and expect people to flood in without getting the word out AND don’t leave the doors open and never be around.

OK ONE more thing – people want to see the owner, they want to get to know you and see that you are serious about your business.  So take the time to update the default pages that came with your script – otherwise your members are just going to think this is same ole same ole.

CUSTOMER SUPPORT is not something you ignore – this is how you build that relationship with your members.  Bottom line, you are going to have to learn to wear many hats and some can handle it but if you think you can’t then maybe you should just become a shopper (affiliate) and yes offline people do earn money for just being a shoppers.

Hope this opens some eyes and you – ONLY YOU – have to decide do you really want an online business.  Remember online businesses are open 365 days a year – 24/7


Prioritize With Income Producing Activities

This is a subject that I hear so many talk about all the time – Prioritize.  First I would like to give you the definition of Prioritize to list or rate (projects, goals, etc.) in order of priority.  Now you are wondering How To Prioritize – well let me tell you a story that opened my eye the other day.

During a webinar the other day, there was ONE thing that was so important and a real eye opener for me – yea even me – as we all can get distracted and loose our focus and then wonder why the money is not coming in like it use to.

When this happens to you, the things that you need to do is go back and see what you are doing and the Prioritize it starting with Income Producing Activities.  Ouch, I know that hurt, huh?  It did for me as I was watching what I was doing and got in the rut of just clicking, doing promos, and keeping Zaney Clicks out there.  Now don’t get me wrong that is very important BUT is is not where most of my income was coming from.

Bet that one shocked you also as most think that because you own a Traffic Exchange that you are rolling in money.  Most of the time the money you bring in goes right back out for the operating costs but that could be another whole blog post.

If you ask other, each will have a different list of Income Producing Activities.  So how do you get this list – it’s simple – go back to your payment processor and click on payments received and then put those sites on YOUR Prioritize List.  I think after you do this you will be surprised just like I was and will then realize what YOU need to do.

Now for me this was a real eye-opener and I have been working very hard this week to get back on focus – thus the reason for this over-due blog post.  Now your Income Producing Activity could be as simple as clicking your PTC sites like Clixsense  like a friend of mine – that is the first thing he does everyday before reading any emails, Skype messages or going to Facebook.

So like I said everyone has their own Income Producing Activities – now take a look at what you have been doing and find out if the non-money making things have distracted you.


Your Attitude + Your Choices = Your Life

It’s funny how things happen in the day that lead you in a different direction and this is one of them as I know I needed to do a blog post here.  I commented on another blog and decided to expand more as this sure does sum things up YOUR ATTITUDE + YOUR CHOICES = YOUR LIFE

Now you should go back and reread that and really think about it as I remember one of the first things that I was told when I got divorced and thought my world fell apart.  A friend told me this


That has stuck with me over the years and when things don’t go the way that I think they should I remember this quote.  This not only goes for your personal life but also for your business.


Things are never going to be perfect, things are never going to go the way that YOU think they should go but you stay focused, stay positive and try ONE more time – you just might find what you have been looking for.


Are you going to always make the right choices – NO
Learn from ALL your choices and keep moving forward.




Text Ads Work

Over the years as I have been doing internet marketing, I see that most people don’t utilize all the resources out there for advertising and promoting and there is one that is so overlooked.  Text Ads are the most unused resource out there and I’m here to tell you Text Ads Work.

First of all what is a text ad – it is a form of online paid advertising that is typically just text with a link to your site and copy with a description of the promotion one is offering.
Examples at the bottom that have worked for me.

While owning a variety of sites such at traffic exchanges, mailers, paid to click and yes even text ad exchanges – I watch as members complain that this site don’t work or that site don’t work and me being the person that I am – go look in their account to see what they are doing and do you know most of the time here is what I see.  The ones that I don’t hear from are the ones that are taking advantage of all their resources.

In the TE’s most have only added one site because they were required to add a site to be able to surf – they have not added any banners, text ads, square banners – all those advertising resources just sitting there. In the mailers, PTC, and yes even the text ad exchanges I see the same thing.

Well for you that are members of Zaney Clicks know that I teach members about text ads – they are taught to watch them by a game that is played each week at Zaney.   Also, at Zaney we even have a promo each Sunday where I feature a site and the members have to go to that site and find a code in that site’s text ad to also teach them how to pay attention to text ads.

Watching the stats from the sites, I know text ads work and here is another example.  One of my active upline sent me a link saying that I know you like text ads – check this site out and let me know what you think.

Trusting my upline, I joined and I will let this banner show my results so far

They say that a picture speaks louder than words – well I guess this will tell you how much that I like the site.  AND I know the next question – yes I have been paid already and working toward the next payout as I will tell you a little secret about this site.

Everyone that loves paid to clicks – well this is extra bonus with this site – you get paid for clicking other members  ADS and get this you even get paid each time your referral logins.

Now for all of you that are trying to learn to mend the gap between you and your upline this would be a great place to start – this site makes it easy to contact your downline (referrals)  – as an upgraded member I can contact them 3 times a week – free members can once a week.  You can also tell if they are active from your commission page  – this is an awesome site for earning, promoting and great teaching tool.

What are you waiting for – here is YOUR opportunity for me to show you Text Ads work

Examples of text ads

Discover How To Instantly EXPLODE Your Sales
Letting the cat out of the bag
Service is our Strength
Tried and Tested for Results
Pawsitively Purrfect

Gold nugget – make a notepad file of text ads when you are surfing, clicking emails, clicking at the PTC sites – I pick out ones that caught my eye and made me click to fine out more and track, track, track your results so you know which ones work

Always be thankful – lesson to learn

Well as I was doing the email tonight for Zaney Clicks I went searching for some Thanksgiving quotes and it’s amazing how things work out and you find things that YOU need – another one of those miracles that most don’t talk about.

As most of you know and have been putting up with my pile of screw ups on the sites lately and yes there is a reason – you see I lost focus on what I should be thankful for and got wrapped up in what life was dishing out for me instead of trusting God.

Running across this poem sure put things in perspective for me and thought I would share with all of you…

thankful3Be thankful that you don’t already have everything you desire.
If you did, what would there be to look forward to?

Be thankful when you don’t know something,
for it gives you the opportunity to learn.

Be thankful for the difficult times.
During those times you grow.

Be thankful for your limitations,
because they give you opportunities for improvement.

Be thankful for each new challenge,
because it will build your strength and character.

Be thankful for your mistakes.
They will teach you valuable lessons.

Be thankful when you’re tired and weary,
because it means you’ve made a difference.

It’s easy to be thankful for the good things.
A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who
are also thankful for the setbacks.

Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive.
Find a way to be thankful for your troubles,
and they can become your blessings.

~Author Unknown

So everyone no matter what life dishes out to you if you look hard enough you will find those things to be thankful for and I’m one of the lucky ones as I have many of them and they are YOU all the wonderful people that I have met since my journey online and you all don’t even realize how much you have helped me – so just wanted to write this and say THANK YOU