One Day One Step At A Time

quote-big-achievements-come-one-small-advantage-at-a-time-one-step-at-a-time-one-day-at-time-jim-rohn-92-98-79So often I’m asked how do I get this done and that done and how do I keep up with the things that I do.  Well my answer is very simple one day one step at a time.

Thru the years,  the key to all this falling into place is still simple – find something that you love doing and everything else falls into place.  Is it hard work?  Well I have to answer that with two answers – yea and no.

No I didn’t loose my mind – if you define hard work as long hours, showing up daily, and keep going because you believe in what you are doing then my answer is yes.  But on the other hand – if you find something you love doing, something that the more you do – the more you want to do and you dream about all the things you want to do – then my answer is no.

Keeping this in mind, sometimes a day can get overwhelming and lot of times will not go in the direction that you expected when you started out. So that is why I just keep taking one day one step at a time.

So when you feel like you are stuck in life, you don’t have the energy to keep trying or you are being discouraged by others – hang in there – take one day one step at a time – you will get there.


Are you living your life with no regrets?

WOW I just came across couple videos that I think the whole world needs to see and just had to share – this is a real eye opener and should be for all.  Are you living your life with no regrets?

Sometimes a person just needs to step back and look at YOUR life as everyone just gets so caught up in your daily activities – at the end will you be able to say I lived my dream or will you have regrets.
