5 Things That Motivate Me

So often I get asked How do I put in all the hours that I do and don’t I ever get tired – well thought I would try and do a post about the 5 things that motivate me.  Actually, as I was preparing for this post I had a hard time narrowing it down to 5 as I so love working online that much.

change2As most of you know, I love helping others and that is probably the most enjoyable thing and believe me my number one that motivates me.  You see there is nothing more rewarding than having someone in your downline come to you and tell you how they are succeeding for the first time – their first referral, their first sale, etc. That will sure gets my adrenalin going and I want to help more and more and more.

With that in mind, I would have to say the 2nd would be being asked for help.  Why would that motivate me – it tells me that people have been watching, listening and trust me to even ask and that by far goes a long way in today’s world.  Do I know all the answers – NO but I do know enough people online that when I don’t know – I can ask around and will find an answer for you.

happycatSpeaking of trust, the same thing happens when I see people supporting my sites, promoting the sites.  You all have no idea what I look at behind the scenes at the sites and it’s not what the site brought in for money wise today – it’s who joined, where did they join from and why did they join.  All that info is important to me and motivates me to keep going, keep doing what I’m doing as it’s working – now that is motivation for me.

Now I know most of you reading this are wondering how I can know the why when someone joins that site – well this is just me but I have taken the time to set up a series of emails to new members and they get sent out about ever three days.  This is a teaching series that I have done up explaining the site, suggesting tools they will be needing etc. and from the response to those emails tells me what the person is looking for and how I can help them even more.

AND last but not least, most of you know by now that I love quotes, I love finding the positive out of everything – so yes I find motivation in reading quotes and wanted to share some of my favorites and believe me this was hard to narrow down to a few lol

”Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!” –Audrey Hepburn

“When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you’ll be successful.” – Eric Thomas

“Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.”
– Og Mandino

“You don’t have to be great at something to start, but you have to start to be great at something”
– Zig Ziglar

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”
– Lao Tzu

 kick2And if you are someone that just needs one of these now and then – well here is yours .




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