Easy Street Just Arrived – Viral Ad Coop Network

easy-street-sign-words-printed-50309583Most of you that I believe in not keeping all your eggs in one basket and that is why you have seen me using traffic exchanges, mailers, text ad exchanges and yes even paid to click.  Well easy street just arrived for you if you have ever wanted to test the waters with your advertising.

Before you even think about your advertising, I have to ask you to go back to your “why” are you here online – why do you use traffic exchanges, mailers, text ad exchanges or paid to click.

If you are chasing prizes then don’t waste your time on reading the rest of this post as this is NOT written for you.  If your “why” is that you want to earn money, build your list and get referrals – well keep reading.

Some of the sites that I have been using is a combo of all the above advertising venues and now the owners have just created what I feel is easy street for this variety of sites.  A headquarters for all these sites in one simple easy program.  Ok I’m not going to keep you in suspense any longer it’s called Viral Ad Coop Network.

This is why easy street has arrived – you can now join and fill in your downline to the rest of their sites and promote all of them with Viral Ad Coop Network.   Now I know why are you thinking wow another program but this one gives you a chance to not put all your eggs in one basket.

Here is the eggs that will be in your basket
Viral Text Ad Coop
Viral Banner Ad Coop
Viral TE Coop
Viral Solo Ad Coop
Viral PTC Coop

DiversifyIf you are not getting the advertising results that you are looking for maybe it’s time to spice things up and diversify.  Now how is that for easy street and here is one of the best features.  With the awesome OTO and this is just one of the many benefits that I just love and want to share with you.  Click this link and look at the ONE url that you can use for promoting all the sites above.  Viral Ad Coop Network

Oh I’m not done – there is ONE more awesome thing with this page – you get to put YOUR favorite program in and it also rotates along with the other eggs in your basket.
Just think about the credits that you would save with just using ONE url vs trying to promote all six of these programs.

This is just a small amount of the benefits with this program – so join me now and I will make you a deal.  To add your favorite site, you will need a 440×250 image – I will make you one and even host it for you.  Shhhhhhhhhhhh don’t tell anyone about the money you can earn with these sites – that will be our little secret.

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