Clean up Your Gmail Folders on Auto

Years ago, I wrote a blog post on how to organize your gmail with filters and I googled and found the blog post and if you have not learned how to do this – you can read about it here  How would you like to organize your emails in your gmail account?

WWRN_Email_091013Well today I want to show you how to clean up your gmails on Auto and if you are like me that have a folder created for each mailer that you are a member of.  Well it can be a bit overwhelming and a never ending job keeping them cleaned out.

First before you create this new filter login to each site and see if the emails can be read on site and yes this will be time consuming but you are sure going to thank me in the long run.  I have found that not all sites will give you a choice to read on site and stop the emails and if they don’t this is what you can do.

Go to your gmail and click on one of the emails like you are going to create a filter and this is actually what you are doing – a new filter for the same file.  Once you know that you can click on the site and get your credits – set up your filter like in the above blog post just click the delete this time.

After you have all that clicked then you can save this filter and what it does is keeps that folder clean and sends it to trash on auto – pretty cool huh.  The only thing that I have seen is that my trash really feels up and I do have to empty it more often but at least I don’t have hundreds of folders full of emails.

Let me know how this works for as I’m loving this because going in a folder and deleting over 8,9 or 10,000 out of the folder takes forever it seems.  You are not only spending the time to clean them out – then you have empty the trash which is also time consuming.

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