But I can’t………………

Well today I thought I would finally break down and write this blog post as you would not believe how many times I hear people say but I can’t……….  Many of you know me as a quote junky and this one comes to mine






So with that in mind, lets touch on a few basics here that I will think help you especially if you don’t have a particular program to promote but you are still looking for some way to earn commissions until you can have the time to test what is working for you.

Well one of the resources that I use and just love as it makes my life so much easier and almost as handy as any rotators is this affiliate downline builder page.  So you are new to TEland, mailers, limited budge, the marketing world and so many are telling you this and telling you that – back up and think about this for a minute.

17944098484828895_plIaqANF_bActually, I wish years ago when I started someone would have made this suggestion for me as it would have made my life so much easier.  How about if I could show you an easy way to promote 9 different programs all at the same time with the ONE url.

The reason that I bring up the ONE url – if you have been following my blog post you would remember that I suggest that you find ONE program and stay focused on that ONE program till you have a good downline and earning money.  If you missed that blog post you can read it here One is a Lonely Number

Well if you have joined some sites and really can’t make a decision yet about what is working for you and you still want to focus on that ONE url which will save you time in the long run – here is your answer.

As an upgraded member of Affiliate Funnel, I have the choice of this awesome splash page – ONE url and the programs that I am promoting or recommending.  Now remember when I said this is as good as a rotator – well it is as if you find that one program in your list here is not performing for you like it should you can come to the Affiliate Funnel site and edit this page.

Nancy Radlinger recommends………

Seriously now – look at this page closely – this is one of the best branding pages out there if you ask me – it has my name, my picture and even says I recommend – what more could you ask for when someone ask you what you do online and what programs are working for you or that you recommend – You can give them this ONE url, ONE page to look at as you go thru each program and tell them the reasons why – don’t that sound like it could make your life easier.

Think about how much time this will save you  – you can put in ONE url and assign your credits – you can write ONE email to add to mailers with what you recommend – short and sweet huh?  So the next time that you say to yourself but I can’t – change that to I can and I will.

Don’t know if you noticed that the bonus on this page is that you can show people this page and if they want a page like this – they can click on this page and join Affiliate Funnel – believe me this works as I get referrals from this page all the time.  AND if you remember at the beginning, I has said I was an upgraded member – well this page helps me earn monthly from this site – it can you too – click now and make your life easier for yourself.

“We have forty million reasons for failure, but not a single excuse.”
Rudyard Kipling

“There’s a difference between interest and commitment.
When you’re interested in doing something, you do it only when circumstance permit.
When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results.”
Art Turock


4 thoughts on “But I can’t………………

    • Thanks Travis and yes I wish the same thing many moons ago – looking forward to seeing your Travis Recommends page (wink)

  1. I have had a website/url XarahRecommends for many years but only recently started to really use it as my hub. I delete stuff that don’t work or i don’t promote anymore. Let the visitor pick what they are interested in.

    • Oh wonderful Xarah – that is great way to think about it and I just love it as it makes it easy for me to change thing on this one page and what is really great I didn’t have to design the page lol

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