Affiliate Marketers – this works for me

004I054YQm2Well this is a post that I have been meaning to write for long time and all that know me  know that sometimes you just got to do it NOW.  So many times I’m asked what do you do online, what is working for you, how are you earning money etc. – so thought I’d let the cat out of the bag here so Affiliate Marketers – this works for me.

Over and over again you have been told that you need to find ONE product, ONE site and stay focused on that ONE and promote, promote, promote.  So many have come to me asking how do you know what that ONE site is.

Well if I was to be starting out right now the ONE site for me would be Affiliate Funnel and I will tell you why.  This program gives you the tools that you need to get started and I would like to focus on some of those tools.

When you first start it can be overwhelming and in Affiliate Funnel did you realize there are lessons for the newbie or even the seasoned affiliate that is feeling they are spinning their wheels and just don’t fully understand things.  You will see topics like

Building Your Business
Traffic Exchange Basics
Traffic Exchange Advanced Techniques
Safelist Basics
Email Series for your use

The other benefit is……… a PDF that you can use, download and use to help
build YOUR list – here is a look at the Table of Contents – so loaded with info
Info that has been tried and tested by some of the leading marketers

What Is Affiliate Funnel …………………………………………………….. 3
How Do I Set Up Affiliate Funnel?………………………………………. 4
Set up your profile ………………………………………………………………… 4
Setting Up Your Money Programs…………………………………………… 5
Enhancing your “Your Money Page” ……………………………………….. 7
Simple descriptive paragraph ………………………………………………………..8
Bullet points ……………………………………………………………………………….8
Branding Yourself …………………………………………………………….. 9
Promoting Your Links ……………………………………………………… 10
Building Downlines ……………………………………………………………… 10
Promoting Your Business Opportunities ………………………………… 11
Promoting The Inbuilt Splash Funnels ………………………………. 13
Using Tags ………………………………………………………………………… 14
Auto-Domain Detection ……………………………………………………….. 15
Funnel Rotator …………………………………………………………………… 15
Activating your Funnels ……………………………………………………….. 16
Learn More ……………………………………………………………………. 17

Oh, I’m not done yet – there is more – IF you are on a limited budget and you don’t know what you should upgrade in or where you should spend your money – let me tell you I’m in 100’s of sites and this would be my first choice to upgrade in and here is why – sure wish someone had told me that years ago.

To me this ONE benefit is worth the upgrade and I really don’t see many people using it or at least like they should.  This is so worth the upgrade as it not only lets you promote Affiliate Funnel so that you can earn commission but you also get to taylor the programs in this money page for just YOU.  How cool is that – here is my link to the page that I’m talking about.

So everytime that someone ask me what do you do, what is working for you, what sites do you promote, where do you earn money at – you can give them this ONE link and this helps open up the lines of communication for them to ask you questions.

Now here is another GREAT benefit for this page – you are on a limited budget and dont’ have the time to buy credits all over, you don’t have the time to surf 4 – 6 hours a day, you don’t have the hours that it takes to send out to all the mailers that you are a member of – this is one of my secrets.

Remember how you were taught to work smarter and not harder – this is one of those ways.  You can assign your 1000 credits to ONE url, can copy and paste an email to send out to mailers and don’t have to pick which ones – YOU have the chance to promote 9 sites with ONE url – seeing the bigger picture here?

Instead of dividing your 1000 credits between sites – why not  try this instead.  Oh I know most of you are saying but then you don’t have a banner to add – hmmmmmm well here is another secret that I do – make up generic banners like this and use them as they stand out from all the affiliate banners out there – here are some examples



Now one more thing as I see that I’m getting long -winded here but being a site owner I see so many that don’t use all the resources and yes I’m talking about ALL even the text ads and here is one more little secret – when you get all those emails – pay attention to the headlines that caught your eye, make a notepad file of them call Swap Files.

Then use them for your text ads as most TE’s will give you 10 – 50 per credit – now think about that – oh know what you are thinking people don’t look at them well that is BS as if you will track your URL’s you will see that they do click.

Ok you twisted my arm, one more gold nugget here – write a one or two sentence about the your money page and then send them out in the mailers.  You DO NOT need a long body email as most are not going to read all that – they want to get to your link to earn that credit for clicking.

Yeaaaaaaa I can read your mind – you don’t think this works because so many sites are on the page – but you know the more mailers that you have this in and the more that a person sees YOUR MONEY PAGE – it may take dozen times, two dozen times – but if you keep it in their face – they are going to think this person is serious about this page as I see it all over – I really should pay more attention to it.

One last thing before I close on the benefits of belonging to Affiliate Funnel, you also can get additional training every Saturday at Noon EST where Marci Jones will share so many more gold nuggets, more ways to learn on line and why would you want to go and listen to her – she practices what she teaches and I know for a fact that it works – I’m one of them.  Want to hear one of her webinars – you can go here and listen as they are recorded in case you missed them

If anyone would like to talk to me further or have more questions you can Skype me @ nancyradlinger.  My Skype does get busy but I do answer all my messages so if I don’t answer right away just give me time as I will.

10 thoughts on “Affiliate Marketers – this works for me

  1. Affiliate Funnel is a great site, I highly recommend it. 🙂 That being said, I must disagree, if you’re an owner, that’s one thing. Focus on your site, advertise your affiliate stuff passively on the back end, but if you’re an affiliate, you can’t put all your eggs in one basket. What if that program goes out of business because it closes? You’re back to nothing, unless you have a backup plan.

    • Well for one you must not have clicked my link and see as an owner that my sites are there and two – anyone knowing me knows that I don’t recommend just any site Gary – this site is tried and tested by many and I trust the owner very much.

    • Well that decision can be made once you know which sites will work for you and why this is a great start – I could view 100 people’s pages and no two would be alike but unless you track your results you will never know what is going to work. Even for you, after closing your site, this would be a great tool for you – there is the possibility of promoting 9 sites with ONE url

    • You welcome Patti and after the webinar today repeating myself many times decided that maybe more people would like to know some of my secrets 🙂

    • Thanks – I try to give people tips on things that I had to learn the hard way – thanks for being a Zaney member 🙂

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